The Auckland Park Academy of Excellence as a school subscribes to an Islamic Ethos and thus provides both Secular and Islamic education in a safe environment. At APAX, we are led to provide holistic educational and developmental opportunities for our students.

APAX is a home away from home, where we believe that all stakeholders are valued members of the ever-growing APAX family. Our vision of ‘Success through Excellence’, fosters outstanding relationships from which our learners, parents and staff, draw their ambition to make a lasting contribution to society. 'At APAX, no child is left behind'

General Info

CEO: Muallim Akhtar Ali
Academic Head: Muallimah Radiyya Wadvalla

Grade Levels: 1-12

Quick Info

School Fees
Online Learning

A Message from the CEO

Aspiring for academic and holistic excellence are the key cornerstones of life and this is what the Auckland Park Academy of Excellence sets out to achieve. We are a values-based school that firmly believes, “No child should be left behind,” and this philosophy is supported by the APAX community in all facets of schooling.

Choosing the right school is immensely important, be it when our children are about to begin their schooling career and rely on their parents to identify the environment that fits, or at any other stage of their school life. At the Auckland Park Academy of Excellence, we are led to provide the best educational and developmental opportunities for our students. APAX is a home away from home, where we believe that all stakeholders are valued members of the ever-growing APAX family.

To achieve this, we ensure that the school environment is a safe and secure one, that will allow our excellent teachers the opportunity to facilitate high quality lessons and provide our students the opportunity to develop and learn to the best of their varied and wide-ranging abilities. Standards and achievement are important but we love to promote and celebrate creativity and diversity, as we prepare our students for life and the ever-changing world of work. Like all of us, the school is on a learning journey, constantly updating and improving the ways in which learning is facilitated.

We are well aware of the excellent reputation APAX has established in the learning community but that does not mean that we are complacent. On the contrary, it motivates us to raise the bar even higher and to expect only the very best from our educators, learners and the APAX community.

We are proud of our Islamic ethos and we continue to uphold standards in character, attendance, punctuality and presentation. We boast a history of educational excellence based on firmly embedded Islamic values, a passion for learning while we also believe, wholeheartedly, that education should be fun, challenging and rewarding.

It is the best way to motivate students and instil into them a life-long love and passion for learning. We aim to establish positive relationships and create and nurture independence in all our learners, which will, Insha-Allah, shape them into ambassadors of our pristine Deen and responsible citizens of a local and global society.

At the Auckland Park Academy of Excellence, we subscribe to High Performance Learning, a pedagogy that requires teachers to instil in our students thinking skills and a growth mind-set in an enquiry-based learning environment. These most essential ingredients for success in the 21st century are complemented and enhanced by a rich and diverse extra-curricular programme of sport, arts and craft, coding, debate, educational expeditions, a successful Hifdh program and many other pursuits, all designed to educate the whole person.

Our motto of ‘Success through Excellence’, fosters outstanding relationships from which both, students and staff, draw their ambition to do well and make a lasting contribution to their schooling life and society as a whole.

Since I only have little space to give you a flavour of what we do and how much our school means to each and every one of its students, parents and staff, I would like to invite you to explore this website and to personally visit us.

I look forward to meeting with you and welcoming you to the APAX family.

Yours in the service of education,

Muallim Akhtar Ali


48 Richmond Avenue
Auckland Park


Mon-Thurs Grades 1 and 2: 7h30 to 14h00
Mon-Thurs Grade 3: 7h30 to 14h30
Mon-Thurs Grades 4 to 12: 7h30 to 15h00
Friday dismissal times all grades: 7h30 to 11h45


Enquiries Contact Person:
Mrs Fazela Amod / Ms Shareen Taylor
011 482 7210
Mrs Zaheda Bhagalia

Extra Curriculars

See our Prospectus or click here for more information.


No Upcoming events




To all the educators, Aunty Fazela and all the others who work behind the scenes and don’t get their names mentioned. Subhanallah.

Allah reward you all abundantly, protect you and your families with aafiah and grant you barakah and khayr always.

We really appreciate all that you are doing to make the online learning beneficial.

We are extremely impressed with the way #APAX forever #APAX team #APAX family have managed and excelled in outing this all together.

Both our kids in FET are loving the online classes. (missing the interaction and actual school of course … but under the circumstances are very motivated to work and look forward to “school” everyday.



Absolutely amazing what has been achieved in such a short period of time. This off course can only be done with excellent leadership and true teamwork. Well done Mufti and your leadership team and a BIG thank you to all the teachers who have United as one team…TEAM APAX!

Zakaria Sadek & Family


Salaams to All,

I am absolutely astounded at the level of commitment that has been given to this Mammoth Task by the entire #Team APAX ,,,,

A big Thank You to All the role players in this outstanding achievement from the Principal and the Educators a huge JAZAKALLAH KHAIR

I can only speak for myself here but so far the kids are loving it

Masha Allah and well done to all

Bilaal Darsot & family


Assalamu ‘Alaykum ww.

There is an absolute buzz at home. Who would’ve ever thought kids would be buzzing to do school work. ?
Alhamdulillah this is all because of the dedication and commitment shown by yourself and the fantastic team behind you. May Allah TA reward you and all the APAX Educators, Administrators, support staff in Abundance. Ameen.

‘It’s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom’

The Gangat Family


Dear Muallim Akhtar & APAX teachers, just wanted to say how amazing you have done. I attended three live lessons and have been so impressed at the engaging discussions and the manner in which the teachers have approached this challenge.  I am most appreciative of the preparation of the lessons by the teachers which ensured that the classes ran smoothly and efficiently.

Please convey my sincere thanks and admiration for the wonderful job that you and your teachers have done.

Uwaiz Jassat


When the world stops in shock not knowing;
We cannot know, we fear, we cry, we pray;
And then we told to stay in;
Almost out and we told to stay in for longer;

In the hands of Allah is full control of everything;
We know that we must act, with this faith;
Our children’s education remained in doubt;
We made dua, we stressed and listened to the noise;

And lost hope, our children’s education written off;
We didn’t need to worry;
Allah had a plan far better than men;
APAX staff and educators had worked their hands to the bone;

We were online in a week;
Our community united to save a generation;
Allah’s love and mercy remain always with you.

Ebrahim, Adela, Zahra and Family


Assalamualaikum respected teachers.

I was worried about the task of doing home schooling at first.

I said Shukr that I am tech savvy but what about my kids who have never used a pc before.

You , Apax teachers have made this online schooling so easy and user friendly that it is a blessing for my kids to do.

Right, now I know what goes on behind the scenes to get this all going. For a 30 minute lesson, it takes hours of preparation just to make it easy for our kids and I want to say to each and every teacher, MAY THE ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU FOR THE HARD WORK that you guys put into this for our kids.

This does definitely not go unrecognized and we appreciate it.

Well done to the Apax teachers.

Salaams and regards
Ebie Patel


Dear APAX Educators

The words Thank You cannot fully express our sincere gratitude in the amount of effort being put into place in providing our children with continued knowledge and moral support needed in achieving great things. Especially so during this trying and difficult time. The passion you have for your job speaks volumes!.

Eternally grateful
The Kolia Family


Jazakallahu khairan.
Assalaam-u-Alaikum dear Apax Educators.

As a parent , I cannot convey enough my sincere gratitude and tremendous joy when I look at what you have all accomplished in such a short period of time.

Honestly I’m not surprised though. Mufti speaks so highly of your commitment , dedication and willingness to go that extra mile , that I didn’t doubt that you guys would deliver but I am still amazed at how this has all come to fruition.

Alhamdulillah, this is such an amazing new facet for our school education that we are in the midst of , and your roles in this will always be remembered , InshaAllah.

We make Dua that Allah makes it a success in the long term.

JazakAllah to each and every one of you.

The Rooknoodeen Family


To our awesome #teamapax teachers.

We would like to send a special Thanks to you all in these very interesting times.

We  thank you for the important role you play in shaping our children’s lives. Please know that we recognize your positive influence and  guidance, and we are so grateful that teaching has continued through the lockdown at Apax.

We understand that this e-platform is new to all, including to you teachers, and we are all learning together, even us parents! Our teachers have to be acknowledged for  going beyond expectations, during these online lessons, and we extend a special gratitude to you for this. (you know who you are!) We see your passion for your students  and your dedication to your craft.

Thank you teachers  for your patience, and for your empathy in these troubled times.

Our kids are fortunate to be part of APAX.


To all the educators, Aunty Fazela and all the others who work behind the scenes and don’t get their names mentioned. Subhanallah.

Allah reward you all abundantly, protect you and your families with aafiah and grant you barakah and khayr always.

We really appreciate all that you are doing to make the online learning beneficial.

We are extremely impressed with the way #APAX forever #APAX team #APAX family have managed and excelled in outing this all together.

Both our kids in FET are loving the online classes. (missing the interaction and actual school of course … but under the circumstances are very motivated to work and look forward to “school” everyday.



Absolutely amazing what has been achieved in such a short period of time. This off course can only be done with excellent leadership and true teamwork. Well done Mufti and your leadership team and a BIG thank you to all the teachers who have United as one team…TEAM APAX!

Zakaria Sadek & Family


Salaams to All,

I am absolutely astounded at the level of commitment that has been given to this Mammoth Task by the entire #Team APAX ,,,,

A big Thank You to All the role players in this outstanding achievement from the Principal and the Educators a huge JAZAKALLAH KHAIR

I can only speak for myself here but so far the kids are loving it

Masha Allah and well done to all

Bilaal Darsot & family


Assalamu ‘Alaykum ww.

There is an absolute buzz at home. Who would’ve ever thought kids would be buzzing to do school work. ?
Alhamdulillah this is all because of the dedication and commitment shown by yourself and the fantastic team behind you. May Allah TA reward you and all the APAX Educators, Administrators, support staff in Abundance. Ameen.

‘It’s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom’

The Gangat Family


Dear Muallim Akhtar & APAX teachers, just wanted to say how amazing you have done. I attended three live lessons and have been so impressed at the engaging discussions and the manner in which the teachers have approached this challenge.  I am most appreciative of the preparation of the lessons by the teachers which ensured that the classes ran smoothly and efficiently.

Please convey my sincere thanks and admiration for the wonderful job that you and your teachers have done.

Uwaiz Jassat


When the world stops in shock not knowing;
We cannot know, we fear, we cry, we pray;
And then we told to stay in;
Almost out and we told to stay in for longer;

In the hands of Allah is full control of everything;
We know that we must act, with this faith;
Our children’s education remained in doubt;
We made dua, we stressed and listened to the noise;

And lost hope, our children’s education written off;
We didn’t need to worry;
Allah had a plan far better than men;
APAX staff and educators had worked their hands to the bone;

We were online in a week;
Our community united to save a generation;
Allah’s love and mercy remain always with you.

Ebrahim, Adela, Zahra and Family


Assalamualaikum respected teachers.

I was worried about the task of doing home schooling at first.

I said Shukr that I am tech savvy but what about my kids who have never used a pc before.

You , Apax teachers have made this online schooling so easy and user friendly that it is a blessing for my kids to do.

Right, now I know what goes on behind the scenes to get this all going. For a 30 minute lesson, it takes hours of preparation just to make it easy for our kids and I want to say to each and every teacher, MAY THE ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU FOR THE HARD WORK that you guys put into this for our kids.

This does definitely not go unrecognized and we appreciate it.

Well done to the Apax teachers.

Salaams and regards
Ebie Patel


Dear APAX Educators

The words Thank You cannot fully express our sincere gratitude in the amount of effort being put into place in providing our children with continued knowledge and moral support needed in achieving great things. Especially so during this trying and difficult time. The passion you have for your job speaks volumes!.

Eternally grateful
The Kolia Family


Jazakallahu khairan.
Assalaam-u-Alaikum dear Apax Educators.

As a parent , I cannot convey enough my sincere gratitude and tremendous joy when I look at what you have all accomplished in such a short period of time.

Honestly I’m not surprised though. Mufti speaks so highly of your commitment , dedication and willingness to go that extra mile , that I didn’t doubt that you guys would deliver but I am still amazed at how this has all come to fruition.

Alhamdulillah, this is such an amazing new facet for our school education that we are in the midst of , and your roles in this will always be remembered , InshaAllah.

We make Dua that Allah makes it a success in the long term.

JazakAllah to each and every one of you.

The Rooknoodeen Family


To our awesome #teamapax teachers.

We would like to send a special Thanks to you all in these very interesting times.

We  thank you for the important role you play in shaping our children’s lives. Please know that we recognize your positive influence and  guidance, and we are so grateful that teaching has continued through the lockdown at Apax.

We understand that this e-platform is new to all, including to you teachers, and we are all learning together, even us parents! Our teachers have to be acknowledged for  going beyond expectations, during these online lessons, and we extend a special gratitude to you for this. (you know who you are!) We see your passion for your students  and your dedication to your craft.

Thank you teachers  for your patience, and for your empathy in these troubled times.

Our kids are fortunate to be part of APAX.