The Auckland Park Academy of Excellence

Covid at APAX

Our Story – By Akhtar Ali (CEO)

When the president announced a ‘National State of Disaster Level 5 lockdown’, I froze and wondered ‘what should we do now?‘ Within the next 15 minutes my phone started ringing non-stop with queries from parents, board of management members and educators alike. In our conversations I could sense their fears, uncertainties and concerns. What we needed was simple, viz. ‘Community Leadership during an unprecedented times’.

It is the nature of crisis to usher in rapid and radical change. I paced up and down, endured sleepless nights contemplating the future of our children’s education, educator’s jobs and the very future and well-being of the APAX community. At the same time, I was hopeful and confident that we will rise to the occasion, for we are blessed with an amazing community made up of relentless educators, dedicated learners and supportive parents.

Despite limited resources an amazing group of visionaries from the APAX community rose to the occasion. Our goal was simple, ‘No child will be left behind’ for it is the future that is at stake. As expected, the leadership of the school, our APAX parents, learners, educators and broader community welcomed the challenge and embraced this new journey.

The board of management and governors, management team and educators placed everything on hold and dedicated their days and nights in sustaining solutions to deal with the unknown. In a short space of time, every aspect of moving to an online learning model was planned, reviewed, introspected and executed strategically.

Our belief that ‘Every student learns differently and no child should be left behind’ established a unique program that lends itself to various learning styles. While continuity of learning and teaching was amongst our key objectives, we did not lose focus of the psychological and societal needs of our community and children.

Alhamdulillah, we have succeeded in achieving our goals but it was not without challenges. Amongst others, the passing of our beloved colleague, Muallim Hoosain Haswaray, came as a shockwave but the intrinsic love and sense of family that exists at APAX encouraged us to move forward.

Alhamdulillah, even though 2020 was considered a write-off by many, APAX has through the mercy of Allah; risen to new heights, with the implementation of our hybrid system. This has ensured that our learners have not lost out on any schoolwork during these trying times. This journey has also empowered our community to explore and embrace the use of technology that will serve to benefit them into the future.

While we acknowledge that Covid-19 has tumulted our comfort zones; it has also provided the opportunity and clarity for us to adapt, evolve and think out of the traditional box to ensure continuity of learning and teaching.

This segment is dedicated to the amazing APAX community.

JazakALLAH & humble request of Duas for our APAX

P.S: Please do not hesitate to share your experiences with us. #apaxforever

Our Story – By Akhtar Ali (CEO)

When the president announced a ‘National State of Disaster Level 5 lockdown’, I froze and wondered ‘what should we do now?‘ Within the next 15 minutes my phone started ringing non-stop with queries from parents, board of management members and educators alike. In our conversations I could sense their fears, uncertainties and concerns. What we needed was simple, viz. ‘Community Leadership during an unprecedented times’.

It is the nature of crisis to usher in rapid and radical change. I paced up and down, endured sleepless nights contemplating the future of our children’s education, educator’s jobs and the very future and well-being of the APAX community. At the same time, I was hopeful and confident that we will rise to the occasion, for we are blessed with an amazing community made up of relentless educators, dedicated learners and supportive parents.

Despite limited resources an amazing group of visionaries from the APAX community rose to the occasion. Our goal was simple, ‘No child will be left behind’ for it is the future that is at stake. As expected, the leadership of the school, our APAX parents, learners, educators and broader community welcomed the challenge and embraced this new journey.

The board of management and governors, management team and educators placed everything on hold and dedicated their days and nights in sustaining solutions to deal with the unknown. In a short space of time, every aspect of moving to an online learning model was planned, reviewed, introspected and executed strategically.

Our belief that ‘Every student learns differently and no child should be left behind’ established a unique program that lends itself to various learning styles. While continuity of learning and teaching was amongst our key objectives, we did not lose focus of the psychological and societal needs of our community and children.

Alhamdulillah, we have succeeded in achieving our goals but it was not without challenges. Amongst others, the passing of our beloved colleague, Muallim Hoosain Haswaray, came as a shockwave but the intrinsic love and sense of family that exists at APAX encouraged us to move forward.

Alhamdulillah, even though 2020 was considered a write-off by many, APAX has through the mercy of Allah; risen to new heights, with the implementation of our hybrid system. This has ensured that our learners have not lost out on any schoolwork during these trying times. This journey has also empowered our community to explore and embrace the use of technology that will serve to benefit them into the future.

While we acknowledge that Covid-19 has tumulted our comfort zones; it has also provided the opportunity and clarity for us to adapt, evolve and think out of the traditional box to ensure continuity of learning and teaching.

This segment is dedicated to the amazing APAX community.

JazakALLAH & humble request of Duas for our APAX

P.S: Please do not hesitate to share your experiences with us. #apaxforever