The Auckland Park Academy of Excellence
Online LearningA first ‘byte’ of the apple…
The rise of the early Muslim Ummah to the apex of civilization within a few decades was based on the values of seeking, preserving, propagating and practicing on sound knowledge.
From the iconic first word of revelation ‘Iqra’ unto Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w) in the remote cave of Hira, to his beautiful teaching, viz. “Knowledge is the lost property of the believer, so wherever he finds it, he is most deserving of it,” the giants of the past drew inspiration for their academic quests and understood that these are divine instructions and not mere suggestions.
The rapid rate at which technological advancements are impacting the world suggests that the jobs our children will be undertaking in the future probably haven’t even been created yet. In this dynamic environment, sustainable education for our children becomes crucial so that they develop critical 21st Century skills and are equipped to thrive in times of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR).
Our Story
It is the nature of crisis to usher in rapid and radical change. We have seen the latter in an unprecedented and massive migration to different forms of online learning platforms across the world, courtesy of Covid-19.
While we acknowledge that Covid-19 has tumulted our comfort zones; it has also provided the opportunity and clarity for us to adapt, evolve and think out of the traditional box to ensure continuity of learning and teaching.
With the unfortunate and unforeseen advent of Covid-19, the APAX community was left contemplating the future of our children’s education. Despite limited resources an amazing group of visionaries from the APAX community rose to the occasion to take a ‘byte’ of the apple. Our goal was simple, ‘No child will be left behind’ for it is the future that is at stake. As expected, our APAX parents, learners and broader community welcomed the challenge and embraced this new journey.
The APAX online learning model
The APAX hybrid learning program has been designed to combine traditional classroom experiences, experiential learning objectives, and digital course delivery that emphasizes using the best option for each learning objective. That differs from home-schooling, which seeks to balance the face-to-face and online aspects within a course, hybrid classrooms vary widely according to the subject matter taught and the needs of a specific groups of learners.
Hence, we introduced an innovative and multifaceted system to assist and support students and their parents throughout their remote learning experience. Our unique educational approach encourages the holistic development of every student towards a purposeful and impactful future.
We believe that ‘Every student learns differently and no child should be left behind’. Our Hybrid learning program lends itself to various styles, as it allows students to learn audibly, visually or in a hands-on way by collaborating with classmates during the designated in-class time.
Under the tutelage of our passionate educators and face to face interaction, our students are engaged in a seminar experience. This gives them the chance to engage and receive supplementary guidance and context around key concepts. When a high level of interaction between learner and teacher is established your child never feels isolated in front of a computer screen and has the opportunity to experience a highly engaging, inclusive, and socially-rich learning environment.
At APAX we believe that every aspect of a child’s educational journey is fundamental for a successful future. This philosophy is ensconced within every aspect of our beautiful APAX family. The APAX online learning model not only bridges the gap between distance, but also the gap between the present and future. So, are you ready to embrace the future?
Finally, we pray that Allah Ta’ala enriches our experiences of this digital journey and transforms it into successful ventures for the APAX community. Ameen

A first ‘byte’ of the apple…
The rise of the early Muslim Ummah to the apex of civilization within a few decades was based on the values of seeking, preserving, propagating and practicing on sound knowledge.
From the iconic first word of revelation ‘Iqra’ unto Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w) in the remote cave of Hira, to his beautiful teaching, viz. “Knowledge is the lost property of the believer, so wherever he finds it, he is most deserving of it,” the giants of the past drew inspiration for their academic quests and understood that these are divine instructions and not mere suggestions.
The rapid rate at which technological advancements are impacting the world suggests that the jobs our children will be undertaking in the future probably haven’t even been created yet. In this dynamic environment, sustainable education for our children becomes crucial so that they develop critical 21st Century skills and are equipped to thrive in times of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR).
Our Story
It is the nature of crisis to usher in rapid and radical change. We have seen the latter in an unprecedented and massive migration to different forms of online learning platforms across the world, courtesy of Covid-19.
While we acknowledge that Covid-19 has tumulted our comfort zones; it has also provided the opportunity and clarity for us to adapt, evolve and think out of the traditional box to ensure continuity of learning and teaching.
With the unfortunate and unforeseen advent of Covid-19, the APAX community was left contemplating the future of our children’s education. Despite limited resources an amazing group of visionaries from the APAX community rose to the occasion to take a ‘byte’ of the apple. Our goal was simple, ‘No child will be left behind’ for it is the future that is at stake. As expected, our APAX parents, learners and broader community welcomed the challenge and embraced this new journey.
The APAX online learning model
The APAX hybrid learning program has been designed to combine traditional classroom experiences, experiential learning objectives, and digital course delivery that emphasizes using the best option for each learning objective. That differs from home-schooling, which seeks to balance the face-to-face and online aspects within a course, hybrid classrooms vary widely according to the subject matter taught and the needs of a specific groups of learners.
Hence, we introduced an innovative and multifaceted system to assist and support students and their parents throughout their remote learning experience. Our unique educational approach encourages the holistic development of every student towards a purposeful and impactful future.
We believe that ‘Every student learns differently and no child should be left behind’. Our Hybrid learning program lends itself to various styles, as it allows students to learn audibly, visually or in a hands-on way by collaborating with classmates during the designated in-class time.
Under the tutelage of our passionate educators and face to face interaction, our students are engaged in a seminar experience. This gives them the chance to engage and receive supplementary guidance and context around key concepts. When a high level of interaction between learner and teacher is established your child never feels isolated in front of a computer screen and has the opportunity to experience a highly engaging, inclusive, and socially-rich learning environment.
At APAX we believe that every aspect of a child’s educational journey is fundamental for a successful future. This philosophy is ensconced within every aspect of our beautiful APAX family. The APAX online learning model not only bridges the gap between distance, but also the gap between the present and future. So, are you ready to embrace the future?
Finally, we pray that Allah Ta’ala enriches our experiences of this digital journey and transforms it into successful ventures for the APAX community. Ameen